The North 24th Story

Home is a feeling, just as much as it is a space, and at North 24th Home, we want you to come on in and make yourself feel at home. As a brand, we believe our homes should be warm, welcoming, and familiar, and we've created cleaning products to do just that. Our safe and simple cleaning products are packed with plant-derived ingredients that effectively clean without causing harm.

Down to Earth Cleaning Products for Down to Earth Homes

We’re Realistic

We couldn't relate to the image of the perfectly polished mom, dressed in beige, tirelessly scrubbing a spotless home for 8 hours straight. So we developed products with real homes in mind — homes inhabited by real people, real messes, and real life. Whether you live in a 500 sq. ft apartment or a three-story home, whether you're solo dolo or surrounded by fiftyleven kids, whether you're the head of household or a child with chores to complete… we got you.

We’re Approachable

Clean living is often presented as an all or nothing affair — leaving little room for learning and growth. But we believe that creating a safer home is a journey, and we're here to support you every step of the way. We lead with education vs. fear mongering. We prioritize understanding vs. judgment (we won’t disown you for still boiling Fabuloso on the stove). And we focus on the good-for-you ingredients inside our products vs. the not so good things that are kept out. Instead of calling you out… we’re calling you in.

We’re Neighborly

At our core, we prioritize community care and firmly believe that our strength is intertwined with the well-being of those around us. That's why we have made a commitment to contribute 2% of all sales to support organizations and initiatives dedicated to community building, affordable housing, and racial health equity. By doing so, we aim to do our small part to… build healthier, stronger communities.

Better Than I Imagined

This scrub worked better than I imagined. I had seen the videos on social media, but it truly lived up to the hype. Even after a quick scrub down of my bathroom I saw a major difference because of this product. I'm excited to keep using it.


Cost Saving Products

So pleased with the concentrates. They are multipurpose and can be used to refill the all purpose cleaner or you can use it in a bucket to scrub your floors. It's nice to be able to reuse the glass spray bottle versus purchasing a new one each time.


A Safe Favorite

My fave!!! A product I can use that doesn’t have me gagging and gasping for air. It’s also tough on grease and grime, but it doesn’t require half of the container to get it clean. I’m heavy handed with cleaning products.


Our Home Team Advantage

  • We use safe and naturally antibacterial ingredients like African black soap and essential oils. Notice an unfamiliar ingredient listed on our products? Check out our blog post where we break down the good-for-you ingredients in our products.

  • We use beautiful glass packaging that is long lasting and makes our refill system easy to implement. Ready to refill? Grab our cleaner concentrates.

  • We developed simple and safe, yet effective products that are coupled with dope playlists that help get your cleaning routine out of the boring-zone. No matter your mood, we’ve got something for you.

Meet Our Founder

Toria grew up in a little brick house on North 24th Street where Saturday mornings meant waking up, pressing play, and cleaning the house from top to bottom with her family. And although she has so many joyful memories associated with singing Luther’s greatest hits while wiping down the kitchen, she does not miss the headaches that resulted from the toxin-filled products that were staples in her home. Her personal journey towards holistic wellness led her to begin throwing out toxin-filled cleaning products and replacing them with homemade products free of harsh chemicals and pollutants. As founder and CEO of North 24th Home, Toria seeks to honor the place that she calls home and create space for others to honor their homes as well.